
Susan Pollet has written many creative published books for adults and children which delve into deepest feelings and emotions.  She works in various genres including fiction, short stories, illustrated children’s books and poetry.  She hopes to make works which connect with others and provide readers with a way forward.


2025 (February 1, 2025) cc&d Magazine: Poems published entitled “Gypsy Inclinations” and “Can’t Speak About It”

2025 (January 1, 2025) cc&d Magazine: Poem published entitled “Poundage Off

2024 (December) The Writers’ Journal: Poem published entitled “Age Old Protection”

2024 (October 1, 2024) cc&d Magazine:  Poem published entitled “Worry Beads”

2024 (September) Down in The Dirt Literary Magazine: Poem published entitled “Eden” along with art piece

2024 (September) Panoplyzine Magazine Issue No. 28: Poem published

2024 (June 3) The Taborian On-line Literary Magazine: Poem published entitled “The Fire This Time”

2024: (March) Choeofpleirn Press: Poem published entitled “Hot To The Touch”

2024:  Book Author:  Second Collection of poetry, “Palpable Ponderings” available as an ebook on Amazon Kindle

2024: (March 21)  Academy of the Heart and Mind publication:  Poems published entitled “Climbing Over,” “Nicks,” and “Editing”

2023 (Dec.21): Bindweed Magazine.  Poem entitled “Witch Hunt” in their Winter Wonderland 2023 edition published in Kindle ebook and paperback print anthology 

2023 (Dec.16): Starry Starry Kite online publication.  Poem entitled “Land Grab” 

2023 (Oct.4): EIC Ponk Monk Magazine: Poem published entitled “The Worst Thing To Say”

Book Author: Collection of poetry published by AdelaideBooksNY in 2023: “Susiku, And More” Available for purchase on Amazon

2023 (Feb. and March) Writing in a Woman’s Voice: Poems published online entitled “Point-Blank,” “Sides,” “Trouble at Ten Years Old” and “Defining Labels”

2022:  New Croton Review:  Fall Issue:  Poem published entitled “WHO AM I, WHY AM I HERE, HOW SHALL I LIVE”

2022:  November 18: Rockland Art Festival Poem Of The Day entitled  “Work Wives”

2022:  cc&d magazine: Poem published entitled “All In One Person”

Book author and illustrator. Third illustrated Children’s Book Published by Adelaide Publishing in 2023: “Hope Comes At A Snail’s Pace But It Makes Me Happy”

Available for purchase on Amazon

Book author: Collection of Short Stories Published by Adelaide Publishing in 2022 “Disappearing from View” Available for Purchase on Amazon

Book author: Collection of Short Stories Published by Adelaide Publishing in 2022 “Watching And Letting It All Go” Available for Purchase on Amazon

Book author and illustrator:  Second Illustrated Children’s Book Published by Adelaide Publishing in 2021: “William Wondered Whether Worrying Was Worth It”
Available for Purchase on Amazon

Book author:  Collection of Short Stories Published by Adelaide Publishing in 2021:  “Not So Surprise Endings” Available for Purchase on Amazon

Book author:  Fourth Novel Published by Adelaide Publishing in 2021:  “Grey Divorce Support Group:  From Pain to Peace”  
Available for Purchase on Amazon

Book author:  Second Novel Published by Adelaide Publishing in 2020:  “Through Walter’s Lens
Available for Purchase on Amazon

Book author:  Third Novel Published by Adelaide Publishing in 2020:  “Women in Crisis:  Stories From the Edge
Available for Purchase on Amazon

Book author and illustrator:  First Illustrated Children’s Book Published by Adelaide Publishing in 2020:  “Juliette Rose’s Dream of Becoming”  
Available for Purchase on Amazon

Book author:  First Novel Published by Adelaide Publishing in 2019:  Lessons in Survival: All About Amos  
Available for purchase on Amazon


2020:  Adelaide Literary Award Competition finalist short story winner:  Adelaide Literary Award Anthology: “Bye Bye Bias and Prejudice” page 549

2019:  Adelaide Literary Award Competition finalist short story winner: “Adelaide Literary Award Anthology 2019 Short Stories Volume Two”-“A Grey Divorce:  From Pain to Peace” page 158

2019:  Adelaide Books Children’s Literature and Illustration Award:  Finalist in Story and Illustration Categories:  “Juliette Rose’s Dream of Becoming”

Adelaide Literary Award Competition 2018 short list short story winner: Adelaide Literary Award Anthology 2018 Short Stories Volume 1 -“Moving From Fearful To Fearless” page 41


1. Pollet, “Parental Kidnapping: Can Laws Stem the Tide?” 21 The Journal of Psychiatry & Law 417 (Winter 1993).
2. Pollet, “Back to the Future: Fetal Protection Policies in the 1990’s,” 20 Westchester Bar Journal 59 (Winter 1993).
3. Pollet, Book Review: “Advanced Law Firm Mis Management,” 20 Westchester Bar Journal 145 (Spring 1993).
4. Pollet, Juettner and Libertella, “Reproductive Risk Policies: The Employers’ Dilemma,” 11 The Association of Management 39 (August 1993). (Proceedings for Business Management Group).
5. Pollet, Book Review: “The Ins & Outs of Law Firm Mis Management,” 21 Westchester Bar Journal 227 (Summer 1994).
6. Pollet, “Mental Illness in the Workplace: The Tension Between Productivity and Reasonable Accommodation,” 23 The Journal of Psychiatry & Law 155 (Spring 1995).
7. Pollet, “Violence in the Workplace: Are Employers Legally Responsible?” 22 Westchester Bar Journal 133 (Spring 1995).
8. Pollet, Book Review: “Disability Discrimination in Employment Law,” 24 The Journal of Psychiatry and Law 591 (Winter 1996).
9. Edlitz, “Family Court Supervised Visitation Update,” 25 Westchester Bar Journal 17
(Winter/Spring 1995). I assisted in the research and preparation of the article for the Hon. Sandra B. Edlitz, Westchester County Family Court.
10. Edlitz, “The Rights of Foster Parents,” 31 Family Law Review 3 (New York State Bar Association) (June 1999). I assisted in the research and preparation of the article.
11. Pollet, ” Mentally III Parents and Termination of Parental Rights,” New York Law Journal, December 21, 1999, p.1, col. 2.
12. Pollet, “Forensic Exams Playa Role in Custody Cases,” New York Law Journal, March 23, 2000, p. 1, col. 2.
13. Edlitz, “Guardianship and Custody: Is there a Distinction?” New York Law Journal, March 31, 2000, page 1, col. 2. I assisted in the research and preparation of the article.
14. Pollet, “Has Kendra’s Law Been a Boon or a Bust?” New York Law Journal, October 23, 2000, page 1, col. 2.
15. Edlitz and Pollet, “Should Children be Prosecuted as Adults?” New York Law Journal, May 16, 2001, page 1, col. 2.
16. Pollet, “Reviewing In Camera Interviews in Custody Cases,” New York Law Journal, November 29, 2001, page 1, col. 2. (Subsequently republished in the Law Guardian Reporter, a publication
compiled by the Four Appellate Divisions for distribution to approximately 4500 judges and attorneys state-wide who deal with Family Court matters).
17. Pollet, “When Must a Lawyer ‘Tell’ on a Dangerous Client?” New York Law Journal, March 26, 2002, page 1.
18. Pollet, “Courts Address Mothers Who Kill,” New York Law Journal, May 31, 2002, page 4.
19. Pollet, “A Look at New York’s Hate Crimes Act in a Post-Sept. 11 World,” New York Law Journal, July 16, 2002, page 4.
20. Pollet, “Is ‘In Loco Parentis’ at the College Level a Dead Doctrine?” New York Law Journal, October 4,2002, page 4.
21. Pollet, “The Forcible Medication of Pre-Trial Criminal Defendants,” New York Law Journal, November 29,2002, page 4.
22. Pollet, “Mental Illness and the ADA Post Sutton v. United Air Lines and September 11 th,” 29 Westchester Bar Journal 151 (Fall 2002).
23. Pollet, “Legal Implications of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder,” New York Law Journal, May 9,2003, page 4.
24. Pollet, “Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy-A Horror Story Come Real,” 30 Westchester Bar Journal 33 (Spring 2003).
25. Pollet, “Defining Adolescence and the End of Childhood in Family Court,” New York Law Journal, August 18, 2003, page 4.
26. Pollet, “Cyberstalking: Laws Take Aim at Protecting Children from Virtual Predators,” New York Law Journal, October 21,2003, page 5.
27. Pollet, “In Vitro Fertilization Options Lead to the Question, ‘Who Gets the Pre-Embryos After Divorce,'” New York State Bar Association Journal, February, 2004, Vo1.76, No.2, p. 33.
28. Pollet, “The Continued Exploitation of Child Labor at Home and Abroad,”_ New York Law Journal, April 15, 2004, page 4.
29. Pollet, “The Quiet Revolution in the Court System: Mental Health Courts,” Westchester Bar Journal, Fall/Winter 2003-4, page 35.
30. Pollet, “Responses to Juvenile Crime Consider the Extent of Parents’ Responsibility for Children’s Acts,” New York State Bar Association Journal, July/August 2004, Vol. 76, No.6, p. 26.
31. Pollet, “Ozzie and Harriet Reconfigured: Stepparent Rights in the Law,” Westchester Bar Journal, Spring/Summer 2004, Vol. 31, No.1, p. 58. Pollet, “The Juvenile Death Penalty,” New York Law Journal, October 13, 2004, page 4.
32. Pollet, “To Seal or Not to Seal-The Open Adoption Records Debate,” The New York Law Journal, January 4, 2005, page 4.
33. Pollet, “A National Disgrace: Elder Abuse in America,” The New York Law Journal, March 9, 2005, page 4.
34. Pollet, “Domestic Violence in the Workplace: It’s Employers’ Business,” The New York Law Journal, June 27,2005, page 4.
35. Pollet, ” ‘Gonzales v. Castle Rock’: Enforcing Orders of Protection,” The New York Law Journal, July 26,2005, page 4.
36. Pollet, “Teen Dating Violence Is Not ‘Puppy Love,'” Westchester Bar Journal, Spring/Summer 2005, Vol. 32, No.1, p.29.
37. Pollet, “Mediating Domestic Violence, A Potentially Dangerous Tool, The New York State Bar Association Journal, September 2005, Vol. 77, No.7,p.42.
38. Pollet, “Same-Sex Marriage: Is New York State Ready for It?” New York Law Journal, November 9, 2005, page 4.
39. Pollet, “Safe Haven Laws-Do Legal Havens to Abandon Babies Save Lives?” Westchester Bar Journal, Fall/Winter 2005, Volume 32, No.2,p.71.
40. Pollet, “Barriers to Justice for Battered Immigrant Women,” The New York Law Journal, December 20, 2005, page 4.
41. Buckwalter, Perinetti, Pollet & Salvaggio, “Modern Day Slavery in Our Own Backyard,” William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law, Winter 2006, Volume 12, Issue 2, p.403.
42. Pollet, “Child Support Enforcement: Is It Just About the Money?” The New York Law Journal, July 13, 2006, page 4.
43. Pollet, “Tribute to Retiring Justice Sondra Miller,” Westchester Bar Journal, Spring/Summer 2006,
Volume 33, No.1, p.16-17.
44. Pollet, “False Confessions-Contrary to Most Jurors’ Experience,” The New York Law Journal, November 17, 2006, page 4.
45. Pollet, “Psychotropic Drugs: How Do We Protect Our Children?” The New York Law Journal, January 29,2007, page 4.
46. Pollet, “Bullying in Our Schools: Is There Legal Help in Sight?” The New York Law Journal, May 3,2007, page 4.
47. Pollet, “The Link Between Animal Abuse and Family Violence,” The New York Law Journal, January 28,2008, page 4.
48. Pollet and Lombreglia, “A Nationwide Survey of Mandatory Parent Education,” Family Court Review, April 2008, Volume 46, Number 2, p.375.
49. Frazee and Pollet, ”The New York State Parent Education and Awareness Program,” The New York State Bar Association Journal, July/August 2008.
50. Pollet, “Female Sex Offenders: What Do We Do About Them?” The New York Law Journal, July 7,2008, page 4.
51. Pollet, “Sex-Offender Residency Limits: Comfort Factor or Protection?” The New York Law Journal, December 22, 2008, page 4.
52. Pollet, “The Role of Nonresident Fathers After Divorce or Separation,” The New York Law Journal, April 22, 2009, page 4.
53. Pollet, “A Nationwide Survey of Programs for Children of Divorcing and Separating Parents,” Family Court Review, July 2009, Volume 47, Number 3, p. 523.
54. Pollet, “Teens and Sex Offenses: Where Should the Law Draw the Lines?” The New York Law Journal, August 14, 2009, page 4.
55. Pollet, “Teenage Self-Injury: The Secret Language of Pain,” The New York Law Journal, November 13, 2009, page 4.
56. Pollet, “Developing Parenting Plans Following Separation or Divorce,” The New York Law
Journal, January 19, 2010, page 4.
57. Pollet, “Child Prostitutes: Criminals or Victims?” The New York Law Journal, April 16, 2010, page 4.
58. Pollet, “Still a Patchwork Quilt: A Nationwide Survey of State Laws Regarding Stepparent Rights and Obligations,” Family Court Review, July 2010, Volume 48, Number 3, p.528.
59. Pollet, “Impact of Separation or Divorce on Special Needs Children,” The New York Law Journal, August 6, 2010, page 4.
60. Frazee and Pollet, Doing No Harm While Doing Good. Minimizing The Threat Of Domestic Violence While Optimizing The Benefits Of Parent Education,” The Judges’ Journal, American Bar Association, Vol. 49, No. 4, pps. 23-28 (Fall, 2010).
61. Pollet, “Forgiveness and Divorce: A Magic Bullet to Reduce Anger and Save Children,” The New York Law Journal, December 23, 2010, page 4.
62. Pollet, “Single-Parent Households: Are the Children Growing Up In Them Really All Right?” Westchester Women’s Bar Association Newsletter, February, 2011, page 6.
63. Pollet, “Economic Abuse: The Unseen Side of Domestic Violence,” New York State Bar Journal, Vol. 83, No.2, pps. 40-44 (February, 2011).
64. Pollet, “Breaking Up Is Hard[er] to Do, Same Sex Divorce,” New York State Bar Journal, Vol. 83, No.3, pps. 10-20 (March/April 2011).
65. Pollet, “Revenge Porn: Will Legislation Help to Prevent It?” The New York Law Journal, April 28, 2016, page 4.
66. Pollet, “Asylum Application Processes and Co-Extensive Removal Processes,” The New York Law Journal, July 13, 2017, page 4.

67. Articles Published on

68. Grunebaum, Pollet, Stein, Katz and Chervenak:  “Increased pregnancy‐related death and disease: A neglected aspect of restricting abortions,” International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, September 30, 2022:

69. Grunebaum, Chervenak J., Pollet, Katz, Chervenak F.: “The Exciting Potential For ChatGPT in Obstetrics and Gynecology,” American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, March 14, 2023:

70. Grunebaum, McLeod-Sordjan, Pollet, Moreno, Bornstein, Lewis, Katz, Warman, Dudenhausen, Chervenak:  “Anger: An Underappreciated Destructive Force In Healthcare,” J. Perinat Med, May 15, 2023:

71. Grunebaum, Pollet, Lewis, De Four Jones, Bornstein, Katz and Chervenak:“Is It Time To Modify The Apgar Score?” American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, June 8, 2023:

72.  Grunebaum A, Moreno JD, Pollet S., Chervenak FA. “Counseling for the option of termination of pregnancy for severe fetal anomalies in light of the recent Supreme Court ruling to remove the constitutional right to an abortion.” “Seminars in Fetal Neonatal Medicine,” June 28, 2023

73. Chervenak et al :“Obstetric Violence Is A Misnomer.” American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, October 6, 2023.

74.  Chervenak, Grunebaum, Pollet et al: “Addressing Challenges Related to the Professional Practice of Abortion Post-Roe.” American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, October 31, 2023.

75.  Chervenak F, McLeod-Sordjan R, Moreno JD, Pollet S, Bornstein E, Dudenhausen J, Grünebaum A. The importance of professional responsibility and fetal viability in the management of abortion. J Perinat Med. 2024 Feb 12.